The never-ending flutter of leaves
We’ve just had our first real frost this autumn in the southeast of the UK, and our miracle nasturtiums, which have been flowering in our shady lawn bed, have finally succumbed to the elements.
I can’t believe the nasturtiums have continued to flower through October and November. They have certainly been a winner for us, and not one black fly to be seen. Perhaps, as they were in a garden bed and not in a patio pot, the birds were able to have a feast.
The garden is now starting to go to sleep for the colder months, and the last flash of colour has nearly finished, although some of our fuchsias are hanging on until the bitter end.
What we’ve been up to in November
In the garden and on the websiteIt’s been a relatively quiet month in our garden, which isn’t surprising as it’s November.
We’ve ensured that we’ve kept our garden waste bin topped up on a fortnightly basis for the council to take away. With the number of leaves that have fallen this autumn, it hasn’t been too difficult.
Achievements for November
Let’s keep ticking those boxesWith the recent frosts, we’ve had many of our patio pots finish their final display of bloom. I’m amazed they held on so long; I’ve now cleared them and am looking forward to the crocus, snowdrops and dwarf iris to show their little heads in January.
It’s lovely to see that there are so many birds around. Hence, we need to keep the bird feeders topped up as they are proving to be very popular, especially with the woodpeckers.
Lessons learnt & mistakes made
You live and learnOur plans for the coming month
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