by Janis on 28th February 2025 / 0 comments

It feels like Spring is just around the corner

Over the last couple of weeks, our spring flowering bulbs have come on leaps and bounds, and our patio pots are beginning to flourish.

Some of the delicate dwarf irises are still in bloom, although some are beginning to wither. However, this is just the start, as the daffodils are on the cusp of flowering, and our main garden bed will soon be peppered with yellow bobbing heads.

It’s so lovely to hear the birds chirping away as we work in the garden; it brings a smile to my face. We’ve recently noticed that the local squirrel has taken to eating rose hips; I’ve never seen a squirrel eat these before. It was quite amusing watching it perform acrobats through the tender branches.


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What we’ve been up to in February

In the garden and on the website

It really feels like we’re on the crossover to spring; buds are starting to show on some of our shrubs, particularly the Ribes, and our roses are looking healthy.

In autumn 2022 and 2023, we planted hundreds of bulbs, which we bought from J. Parker’s. They are certainly coming to fruition this year. They look like they have multiplied and spread a little, which is perfect. I can’t wait for a couple of weeks, and they will be flowering.

A close-up of a yellow crocus flowers in a pot on our patio in february
Delicate Crocus

The hyacinths in our pots and containers on the patio are also starting to peek through the soil; I just love the bouquet of hyacinths.

Taking photos of your garden year after year really shows the differences emerging and the progress that you often wouldn’t notice. Too often, I think there aren’t significant improvements, but there certainly are. Do you take photos of your garden?

Our amaryllis plant in full bloom in our kitchen
Blooming Amaryllis
The second growth of our amaryllis plant in our kitchen
Second Amaryllis
I mentioned last month that my mum gave me an Amaryllis bulb at Christmas. I potted it up on Boxing Day, and now, six weeks later, it is in full bloom. The flowers only lasted a few days, but it now appears I have a second one growing.
A bed of mixed pink hyacinths and plum-coloured tulips in keukenhof gardens, holland
Mixed bedfellows

Did you catch our updated post on Keukenhof Gardens in the Netherlands? If you love strolling amongst spectacular displays of tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths, then you’ll adore Keukenhof.

Why not venture over to Holland and enjoy the 7 million bulbs planted by hand? Keukenhof is open from 20th March until 11th May 2025.

Achievements for February

Let’s keep ticking those boxes

February has been another reasonably quiet month in the garden. I cleared out the dead foliage from the remainder of the patio pots and tidied areas of the garden.

In the next few weeks, I’m hoping for a dry spell so that I can give our lawn its maiden cut of the year.

An ariel view of a love blue flowering iris in a pot on our patio garden in February
‘Dwarf Iris’
So, let’s see what we’ve managed to tick off for February.
Cleared the remainder of the patio pots; now, the plants have died back.

Ensuring we top up the bird feeders.

Keep the garden waste bin as full as possible.

Tidied some of the garden beds.

Lessons learnt & mistakes made

You live and learn
Fingers crossed, I don’t think I have made any garden mistakes this month, but it isn’t surprising as I haven’t been in the garden much.
A pot of colourful crocus on our patio in february
Colour on the patio

Our plans for the coming month

What’s on your to-do list?
Prune our two standard roses; I’ve read that living in the southeast of the UK, it’s safe to prune them in February/March.

Weed the driveway, again using a scraper.

Start clearing weeds and unwanted planting in the Cottage Garden section.

Tidy more of the garden beds.

Decided on the planting for our two front garden beds.

Please let us know what you have planned in your garden this month; we’d love to know.

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