A blooming inspiration
In August last year, Gary and I became National Trust members, and I believe within the first few months, we felt like we had already got our money’s worth. In the southeast of the UK, there are so many beautiful castles and stately homes to visit.
We headed to Scotney Castle last Autumn and discovered that it had a wide variety of rhododendrons and azaleas we knew we had to revisit in the spring. These ericaceous plants are always stunning to see when there are no limits to their growth, and they are able to truly stretch their legs.

A small slice of Scotney in our garden
Delicate blooms of a rhododendron
We have a gorgeous pastel pink blossomed rhododendron in our own garden in a pot. Not only is it a pleasure for us to enjoy, but the wildlife loves it too, so it’s a win, win.
We have also managed to nurture a bright pink camellia in our garden, and it performs pretty well, considering I didn’t really think our soil was very acidic.
The planning of Scotney Estate
An eye for detail
Over the following 400 years, the medieval fortress slowly deteriorated, and in 1778 the Hussey family moved into Scotney Estate.
Under the guidance of Edward Hussey III in 1837, Scotney House was built high up on the hill overlooking Scotney Old Castle below.

Tranquillity throughout the gardens
Those eye-catching moments

It’s such a pleasure ambling through the spring gardens at Scotney. At times you feel like you’re the only people there; it’s just you and the local wildlife.
Just keep wandering with every twist and turn; you’ll never know what you’ll discover. While we were exploring, we came face to face with a magnificent Giant Redwood tree. We were unaware there was even one at Scotney Castle.

National Trust further reading
If, like us, you enjoy visiting the National Trust gardens around the United Kingdom, then grab yourself a copy of the latest ‘Gardens of the National Trust’.
It’s a beautifully illustrated book, and it won’t be long before you’re planning your next trip.
Mooching around Scotney Estate
Discovering the perfect view

Exploring Scotney Old Castle
Take it all in your strideAs you approach the old castle, it is a glorious sight. In your mind, you envisage romantic couples strolling arm in arm through the manicured gardens. Brushing past delicate flowers and butterflies fluttering from bloom to bloom.
Perhaps it’s just me.

Ensure you stroll around the back of the castle through the open-air ruins to the little courtyard that overlooks the moat. I could sit there for hours admiring the view.
The planting throughout Scotney is so thoughtful that it almost appears effortless. Still, you know hours of work have been invested in accomplishing these delightful little sanctuaries.
Unearthing Scotney quarry
Visiting the historic walled garden

The welcoming walled garden was originally built in 1840 to provide fresh produce for the Hussey family.
Unfortunately, it was neglected over the years, and in 2007 the National Trust team restored it back to its former glory.

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