There’s still a splash of colour
Now that British Summer Time has ended in the Northern Hemisphere and russet and golden leaves are gathering on the ground, it truly feels like autumn has arrived.
I must admit I love the changing of the seasons. Watching a garden advance through its annual cycle, you notice the differences and how your garden evolves.
There is certainly something to be said for a delicious hearty meal when you’ve spent a few hours working in your garden or allotment; it warms the cockles of your heart.

What we’ve been up to in October
In the garden and on the website
I’ve tidied up the front garden and cleared the weeds from our two front beds. I’m still undecided about what I’m going to place in these two beds; I was leaning towards some hebe’s as they are quite low maintenance: however, now I’m unsure. Back to the drawing board.
It’s also that time of year when you rake up all the fallen leaves and collect them for your composter, and then when you turn your back, there are more gathering behind you. Ahh, well, that’s autumn for you.

Achievements for October
Let’s keep ticking those boxesYes, it was time to get on our hands and knees again and weed the cottage garden bed. As the ground was a lot softer than when we did it in August, it was slightly easier. Although the pesky geraniums just keep coming back.
I’ve tidied up the patio and cleared the dead plants, but as I’ve mentioned, while some of the flowers are still in bloom, they can stay for a while longer.

Lessons learnt & mistakes made
You live and learnOur plans for the coming month
What’s on your to-do list?
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