The welcoming sight of Spring flowering bulbs
I know February is a short month, but it appears to have flown by, where have those few weeks gone?
Now, I’m not wishing my life away; however, seeing our Spring flowering bulbs peering through the soil and bursting with colour is such a pleasure. The pots on our patio have so many green shoots standing proud it’s only a matter of time before we’ll have a flurry of dainty little dwarf iris, crocus and hyacinth.
I can’t wait for our hyacinths to bloom; they are so fragrant. I remember when we visited Keukenhof Garden in the Netherlands a few years ago, it was always the hyacinth that you could smell before you actually spotted them.

What we’ve been up to this month
In the garden and on the websiteFebruary is always a bit of a mixed month in the UK; some years, we’ve had snow and others, it’s been beautiful blue skies. I’m pleased to say that this February we’ve had a few lovely sunny days and recently so mild.
So, we’ve managed to make further headway at the rear of the garden and cleared more ivy and overgrown shrubs, which is great as even more light beaming into my potting shed.

This weekend I also gave our lawn its first mow of the year, it was a little muddy in places where the worms had been wriggling through, but it certainly looks better. We purchased a new lawnmower last year, a Flymo EasiStore 340R; this gave me the option of raising the cutting height to up to 6cm if required.
This month we have also pruned our two ‘Margaret Merril’ standard roses and given our contorted hazel a light trim.
Achievements for February
Let’s keep ticking those boxes
Lessons learnt & mistakes made
You live and learnOur plans for the coming month
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