A New Year and new challenges
Happy New Year to you all; let’s welcome in 2023 with open arms.
We may be in the depths of winter in the UK but let’s be positive, as the shortest day is now behind us, and the evenings are gradually stretching out.
What I do enjoy about this time of year is when we get a beautiful bright day, and the sun is shining. It may be a little on the chilly side, but it’s such a pleasure stepping in from the garden and snuggling up with a mug of velvety hot chocolate.

What we’ve been up to this month
In the garden and on the websiteWell, we’ve certainly had a mixed temperature of the weather. Our late winter/early spring flowering bulbs can’t make their minds up whether to peep through the earth or remain hidden.
I planted lots and lots of bulbs in pots on the patio, which are slowly coming to life; however, I’m longing to see the first sign of our snowdrops coming into bloom.

In January, when we did head out in the garden between bouts of flu, we’ve mainly been tidying up and ensuring our garden waste bin is always full.
This year our council decided they will not take our whole Christmas trees anymore, so we’ve managed to break them down into smaller pieces, and both of our Norwegian Firs fit into one bin. By hook or by crook, the council were going to take them.

Achievements for January
Let’s keep ticking those boxesAs you would expect, January has been a reasonably quiet month in the garden. Although we’ve managed to tackle the ivy around the back of our potting shed.
Gary has previously cleared some of the rampant evergreen, but it seems as though no sooner you turn your back and it weaves and creeps its way around again.

Lessons learnt & mistakes made
You live and learnOur plans for the coming month
What’s on your to-do list?
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